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ActiveRecord Mixin

The ActiveRecordMixin class provides ActiveRecord-style functionality for SQLAlchemy models, allowing for more intuitive and chainable database operations with async/await support.

It uses the SmartQueryMixin class functionality.

Check the API Reference for the full list of available methods.

Table of Contents


To use the ActiveRecordMixin, create a base model class that inherits from it and set the __abstract__ attribute to True:

from sqlalchemy import Mapped, mapped_column
from sqlactive import ActiveRecordMixin

class BaseModel(ActiveRecordMixin):
    __abstract__ = True

class User(BaseModel):
    __tablename__ = 'users'
    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
    name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(100))

Core Features

Creation, Updating, and Deletion

Creating Records

# Create a single record
bob = await User.create(name='Bob')

# Alternative creation methods
bob = await User.insert(name='Bob')  # Synonym for create
bob = await User.add(name='Bob')     # Synonym for create

# Create multiple records
users = [User(name='Alice'), User(name='Bob')]
await User.create_all(users)

Updating Records

# Update a single record
await user.update(name='Bob2')
await user.edit(name='Bob2')  # Synonym for update

# Update multiple records
users = await User.where(age=25).all()
for user in users: = f"{} Jr."
await User.update_all(users)

Deleting Records

# Delete a single record
await user.delete()
await user.remove()  # Synonym for delete

# Delete multiple records
users = await User.where(age=25).all()
await User.delete_all(users)

# Delete by primary keys
await User.destroy(1, 2, 3)  # Deletes users with IDs 1, 2, and 3


Basic Queries

# Get all records
users = await User.all()
users = await User.fetch_all()  # Synonym for all
users = await User.to_list()    # Synonym for all

# Get first record
user = await User.first()

# Get one record
user = await                # Raises if no result found
user = await User.one_or_none()        # Returns None if no result found
user = await User.fetch_one()          # Synonym for one
user = await User.fetch_one_or_none()  # Synonym for one_or_none


The mixin supports both Django-like syntax and SQLAlchemy syntax for filtering:

# Django-like syntax
users = await User.filter(name__like='%John%').all()
users = await User.filter(name__like='%John%', age=30).all()

# SQLAlchemy syntax
users = await User.filter( == 'John Doe').all()

# Mixed syntax
users = await User.filter(User.age == 30, name__like='%John%').all()

# Alternative filter methods
users = await User.where(name__like='%John%').all()  # Synonym for filter
users = await User.find(name__like='%John%').all()   # Synonym for filter

# Find one record
user = await User.find_one(name__like='%John%', age=30)  # Raises if not found
user = await User.find_one_or_none(name__like='%John%')  # Returns None if not found

Sorting and Pagination

from sqlalchemy.sql import desc

# Sorting (Django-like syntax)
users = await User.order_by('-created_at').all()  # Descending order
users = await User.sort('-created_at').all()      # Synonym for order_by

# Sorting (SQLAlchemy syntax)
users = await User.order_by(User.created_at.desc()).all()
users = await User.sort(desc(User.created_at)).all()

# Sorting (mixed syntax)
users = await User.order_by('-created_at',
users = await User.sort('-age', desc(

# Pagination
users = await User.offset(10).limit(5).all()  # Skip 10, take 5
users = await User.skip(10).take(5).all()     # Same as above

Eager Loading

Join Loading

# Left outer join
comment = await Comment.join(Comment.user,

comment = await Comment.join(
    (, True)  # True means inner join

comments = await Comment.join(Comment.user,

Subquery Loading

# Using subquery loading
users = await User.with_subquery(
    (User.comments, True)  # True means selectinload

# With limiting and sorting (important for correct results)
users = await User.with_subquery(User.posts)
    .sort('id')  # important!

Complex Schema Loading

from sqlactive import JOINED, SUBQUERY

schema = {
    User.posts: JOINED,  # joinedload user
    User.comments: (SUBQUERY, {  # load comments in separate query
        Comment.user: JOINED  # but join user in this separate query

user = await User.with_schema(schema).first()

Smart Queries

The SmartQueryMixin mixin provides a powerful smart query builder that combines filtering, sorting, and eager loading:

# Complex query with multiple features
users = await User.smart_query(
    criterion=(User.age > 18,),
    filters={'name__like': '%John%'},
    schema={User.posts: JOINED}

Important Notes

  1. When using subqueryload() with limiting modifiers (limit(), offset()), always include order_by() with unique columns (like primary key) to ensure correct results.

  2. For joined eager loading with one-to-many or many-to-many relationships, use the unique() method or unique-related methods (i.e. unique_all()) to prevent duplicate rows:

    users = await User.options(joinedload(User.posts)).unique_all()

Error Handling

The mixin includes proper error handling for common scenarios:

  • NoResultFound: Raised when a query expecting one result finds none.
  • MultipleResultsFound: Raised when a query expecting one result finds multiple.
  • InvalidRequestError: Raised for invalid query operations.
  • KeyError: Raised when trying to set non-existent attributes.

All database operations are wrapped in try-except blocks with automatic rollback on failure.

API Reference

Check the API Reference for the full list of available methods.